Time of Execution
2013 - Now
Peefence Aps designs, manufactures and sells urinals to established customers in the event industry.
Design Team
Thomas Salling, Jonathan Rasmussen, Theo Ginman, Kirstine Auener, Frederik Hansen
Prototyping, DFM, business development, entrepreneurship
Peefence Official Website
Design Brief
“We want to contribute in saving urban events and festivals from drowning in pee”
These are the words of the management from Roskilde Festival during an interview in Politiken newspaper back in 2011. Being experienced festival guests ourselves, we set out to develop a solution to reduce urination along fences and shrubbery at outdoor events. How do we appeal to the male audience and make it as effortless to use a urinal as to pee straight to the ground?
We think Peefence is just the right solution!
The basic concept of the Peefence urinal was developed over a 3 week course period at DTU. This incredibly short project period forced us to make a tight activity plan in order to meet our goals.
Based on a thorough requirement specification we sketched out a bunch of ideas for different sub functions; installation, connectivity, clog prevention, transportation, shape, etc.
We picked out the good aspects among all the initial ideas and synthesized them into two concept directions for the urinal. One concept centered around a traditional design but in a modular system whereas the second concept entailed an unconventional flexible construction.
Sketches by Jonathan Rasmussen (left) and Thomas Salling (right).
Through a systematic selection process we decided to further develop on the flexible urinal. The basic concept is that the urinal is made solely from a thin and flexible plastic material which rolls up to form the trough. Deciding factors include cheap production, compact transport, light installation, large surface area and difficulty of clogging.
Engineering & Testing
With the basic concept sketched out, we began a comprehensive process of identifying components to achieve the functions of the urinal. Before settling on the final design we tested all relevant solutions through physical mock ups, CAD modelling and rapid prototyping with 3D printing.
The final design was rendered for presentation. An illustration of the user scenario around the installation process was made to clearly convey the rather unusual concept of a urinal with flexible properties.
Sketches by Kirstine Auener
Sketch by Jonathan Rasmussen
Client Engagement
The project report was handed in and we send our recommendations and illustrations of the final design to Roskilde Festival. We got great feedback and were allowed to make a real prototype installation at the festival site in 2014 by participating in the "Roskilde Festival - Powered By DTU Students" initiative.
Poster showcasing the product and our participation in the Roskilde Festival - Powered By DTU Students initiative in 2014.
Since 2014, Peefence has been present at Roskilde Festival with increasing numbers every year. We are happy that we were able to design a urinal that not only meets the client's brief but also finds real value in practice.
Peefence Aps
Today, the urinal is in production and sold through our company Peefence Aps. Roskilde Festival has been a great testing ground for optimisations over the past years and they currently take 650 Peefence urinals each year. In 2018 we delivered to many new customers, both festivals and venues.
Roskilde Festival 2018, 650 urinals
Distortion Festival 2018, 140 urinals
Copenhell 2018, 30 urinals
Telia Parken, World Cup transmission 2018, 30 urinals
Design Recognitions
In team Peefence, we have been fortunate to receive 3 design awards for which we are really grateful.
The IF Design Award and A' Design Award both underline that Peefence solves a worldwide problem and is relevant to the international markets. However, the receipt of the Danish Design Awards 2018 is one of our proudest moments as it writes Peefence straight into the renowned history and tradition of Danish design.
Receipt of the Danish Design Award 2018 in the Clean Solutions category. From left to right: Jonathan Rasmussen, Theo Ginman, Frederik Hansen, Thomas Salling.